New apartment and meeting colleagues for the first time

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After a memorable first night sleeping on the ground (IKEA could not deliver our madrass the same day! and discovering that the airbed we bought at Target had a huge hole in it! Thanks Target), I got to meet my new kind colleagues at a barbecue event organized by Stanford’s department of Geosciences. In the next two years, I will be part of the Earth and Planetary Surface Processes Lab group (EPSP), led by associate professor Mathieu Lapotre, and which is composed of two postdocts (Lior Rubanenko and Andrew Gunn), two PhDs (Michael Hasson and Colin Marvin) and myself. The EPSP lab focus on the use of comparative planetology (i.e., understanding a specific process we see on Earth to better understand this same process on another planetary surfaces) with topics such as dune and river processes. A much better description of the group can be found here: The barbecue event was a very good icebreaker.