🆕 B. Amaro, N.C. Prieur, L. Rubanenko, P. Hayne, M.G.A. Lapôtre. (Under review in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets). Effect of boulder-size distributions on thermally derived rock abundances on the Moon.
Prieur, N. C., Amaro, B., Gonzalez, E., Kerner, K., Medvedev S., Rubanenko L., Werner, S. C., Xiao, X., Zastrozhnov, D., LapĂ´tre, M. G. A (2023). Automatic characterization of boulders on planetary surfaces from high-resolution satellite images. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets (128), Issue 11, link.
B. Wu, Y. Wang, S. C. Werner, N. C. Prieur, Z. Xiao (2022). A global analysis of crater depth/diameter ratios on the Moon. Geophysical Research Letters (49), Issue 20, link.
J. Zhao, L. Xiao, Z. Xiao, J. Morgan, G. Osinski, C. Neal, S. Gulick, U. Riller, P. Claeys, S. Zhao, N. Prieur, A. Nemchin, and S. Yu (2021). “Shock-deformed Zircons from the Chicxulub Impact Crater and Implications for the Formation of Peak-ring Craters.” Geology 49 (7): 755–760, link.
Ding, C., Xiao, Z., Wu, B., Li, Y., Prieur, N. C., Cai, Y., Su, Y. and Cui, J. (2020). “Fragments delivered by secondary craters at the Chang E-4 landing site.” Geophysical Research Letters 123(6, link.
Prieur, N. C., T. Rolf, K. Wünnemann and S. C. Werner (2018). “Formation of Simple Impact Craters in Layered Targets: Implications for Lunar Crater Morphology and Regolith Thickness.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123(6), link.
Prieur, N. C., T. Rolf, R. Luther, K. Wünnemann, Z. Xiao and S. C. Werner (2017). “The effect of target properties on transient crater scaling for simple craters.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122(8), link.
Xiao, Z., Prieur, N. C. and S.C. Werner (2016). “The self-secondary crater population of the Hokusai crater on Mercury.” Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 7424–7432, link.
N.C. Prieur, Z. Xiao, H. Kerner, S.C. Werner, M.G.A. LapĂ´tre. Systematic Analysis of Boulder Populations around Lunar Cold Spots. EPSC 2024.
B. Amaro, N.C. Prieur, L. Rubanenko, P. Hayne, M.G.A. LapĂ´tre. Comparing machine learning-based boulder detections to Diviner rock abundances. Diviner Team Meeting 2024.
B. Amaro, N.C. Prieur, L. Rubanenko, M.G.A. LapĂ´tre. Rock abundance maps on the Moon from automated boulder measurements. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2023.
N.C. Prieur, B. Amaro, E. Gonzalez, L. Rubanenko, Z. Xiao, H. Kerner, S.C. Werner, M.G.A. LapĂ´tre. Distribution of Impact-Generated Boulders on Planetary Surfaces: Influence of Target Fracturation and Lithology. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023.
B. Amaro, N.C. Prieur, L. Rubanenko, M.G.A. LapĂ´tre. Differences in Rock Abundances on the Moon from Diviner Radiometer and Automated Boulder Detection. Bay Area Planetary Science Conference 2023.
N.C. Prieur, B. Amaro, E. Gonzalez, L. Rubanenko, H. Kerner, Z. Xiao, S.C. Werner and M.G.A. LapĂ´tre. Deep Learning for Boulder Detection on Planetary Surfaces. AGU Fall Meeting 2022.
B. Amaro, N.C. Prieur, E. Gonzalez, M.G.A. LapĂ´tre. Machine Learning-Driven Detection of Boulders on the Martian Surface. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022.
E. Gonzalez, N.C. Prieur, B. Amaro, M.G.A. LapĂ´tre. Quantifying the Radial Distribution of Meter-Sized Boulders Around Lunar Impact Craters of Variable Degradation State and Target Properties. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2022.
N.C. Prieur, B. Amaro, E. Gonzalez, L. Rubanenko, Z. Xiao, H. Kerner, S.C. Werner, M.G.A. LapĂ´tre. A Large Training Dataset of Boulder Sizes and Shapes as a First Step Towards the Automated Detection of Rock Fragments on Planetary Surfaces. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2022.
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