
  1. 🆕 Prieur, N. C., Amaro, B., Gonzalez, E., Kerner, K., Medvedev S., Rubanenko L., Werner, S. C., Xiao, X., Zastrozhnov, D., Lapôtre, M. G. A (in review). Automatic characterization of boulders on planetary surfaces from high-resolution satellite images. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

  2. J. Zhao, L. Xiao, Z. Xiao, J. Morgan, G. Osinski, C. Neal, S. Gulick, U. Riller, P. Claeys, S. Zhao, N. Prieur, A. Nemchin, and S. Yu (2021). “Shock-deformed Zircons from the Chicxulub Impact Crater and Implications for the Formation of Peak-ring Craters.” Geology 49 (7): 755–760, link.

  3. Ding, C., Xiao, Z., Wu, B., Li, Y., Prieur, N. C., Cai, Y., Su, Y. and Cui, J. (2020). “Fragments delivered by secondary craters at the Chang E-4 landing site.” Geophysical Research Letters 123(6, link.

  4. Prieur, N. C., T. Rolf, K. Wünnemann and S. C. Werner (2018). “Formation of Simple Impact Craters in Layered Targets: Implications for Lunar Crater Morphology and Regolith Thickness.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 123(6), link.

  5. Prieur, N. C., T. Rolf, R. Luther, K. Wünnemann, Z. Xiao and S. C. Werner (2017). “The effect of target properties on transient crater scaling for simple craters.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122(8), link.

  6. Xiao, Z., Prieur, N. C. and S.C. Werner (2016). “The self-secondary crater population of the Hokusai crater on Mercury.” Geophysical Research Letters, 43, 7424–7432, link.